Tier 5 (Creative and Sporting) Application Form

Please complete this online form for allocation of a Tier 5 Certificate of Sponsorship.

Your Details

Job Title*
Email Address*
Telephone Number*

Section 1 - Personal Information (Tier 5 Applicant)

Other Name(s)*
Date of Birth*
Place of birth*
Country of Birth*
Country of Residence*
If UK, please give details of current immigration status
Visa Expiry Date
File Upload - Copy of current and all previous UK visas

Valid upload file types: .doc .docx .pdf
The total size of all files on the form cannot be more than 10 MB

Section 2 - Passport Information

Passport Number*
Issue Date:*
Expiry Date:*
Country of Issue*
File Upload - Copy of Passport*

Valid upload file types: .doc .docx .pdf
The total size of all files on the form cannot be more than 10 MB

Section 3 - Home Address






Section 4 - Work Dates

Start Date (must be a realistic future date)*
End Date*
Does the migrant require multiple entry?*

Multiple entry is only applicable if the migrant is based outside of the UK and wishes to enter the UK on a regular basis within the time given on the certificate for the same sponsor.

It is not application for migrants who will be living in the UK and wish to travel overseas for leisure, domestic or work purposes.

If you have answered yes to requiring multiple entry to the UK, please use this box to explain why:*
Total weekly hours of work (please note full time hours at UoN is 36.25 hpw)*

Section 5 - Main UK Work Address (this should be the host School UK work address)

Work Address*





Section 6 - Other regular work addresses if the migrant will be working on a number of contracts or across a number of sites






Section 7 - Migrant's Employment

Job Title*
Code of Practice*

Other - Please Specify*
Summary of Job Description*
Gross Pay in Pounds Sterling*
Gross Allowances in Pounds Sterling*
Summary of Allowances*
Is the job in the creative sector?*

Please note that all completed applications once received in HR are assessed and prioritised accordingly, based on start date.
Please ensure that you forward evidence in support of your application, particularly your funding evidence, CV and qualification certificates (plus evidence of your overseas salary if appropriate).
Please note that Tier 5 Certificates of Sponsorship can only be issued within 3 months of a proposed start date. Please provide details below, if necessary, if there is a particular reason why your application should be treated as urgent.
Please provide details of why your application should be treated as urgent (if applicable)
