SPL1 - Maternity Leave Curtailment Notification Form

Please use this online form to notify HR of your application to curtail your maternity leave. 
The date of maternity leave ending must be: 
A) At least 8 weeks after the date of this notification (and); 
B) After the end of your 2 week compulsory maternity leave period (and) 
C) At least one week before the date on which your maternity leave would otherwise have ended.

Your Details

Email Address*
Payroll Number*

I am writing to notify you that I wish to bring my maternity leave to end early. I understand that my maternity leave will end on that day and that normally it will not be possible for me to revoke this notice once it has been given.
One exception to this rule would be if you give this notice before your baby is born, in which case you can change your mind and revoke the notice in writing in the six weeks after his/her birth.
In that situation you would still be able to access Shared Parental Leave by serving another curtailment notice at a later date.
Date of maternity leave ending:*
File Upload - Notice of entitlement and intention to take shared parental leave

Valid upload file types: .doc .docx .pdf
The file cannot be more than 10 MB in size
I confirm that my partner has given his/her employer a notice of entitlement and intention to take Shared Parental Leave and that I have consented to the amount of Shared Parental Leave that my partner is intending to take*

Additional Comments*
