SPL12 - Request to Vary/Cancel SPL Form

Please use this online form to notify HR of your application as a parent to vary or cancel Shared Parental Leave (SPL).

Please note that at least eight weeks' notice is required to cancel or vary an existing period of leave.

Your Details

Full Name*
Email Address*
Payroll Number*

Date of maternity leave ending:*
I refer to the request for leave I submitted dated:*

I was intending to take SPL as follows:

Start date (must be at least 8 weeks after the date of this notification):*
End date (SPL must be taken before your child's first birthday)*
I am writing to cancel/vary that request*

The new dates I intend to take SPL are:

Start date:
End date:

I understand that this cancellation/variation counts towards the total number (3) of requests for Shared Parental Leave that I am entitled to take.

Line Manager Approval

Line Manager's Name*
I can confirm that I have discussed this application with my line manager and he/she has agreed the dates stated above?*

Date of Meeting*

Additional Comments*
