Notification of Placement (Adoption) Form

Please use this online form to notify the HR Employment Services Team of the placement of your child.

Your Details

Payroll Number*
Home Address*





Details of Placement

I am pleased to advise you that my*

was placed with me on:*
Name (optional)*
I understand that I must give my manager and the Human Resources Department at least 8 weeks’ written notice if I intend to return to work prior to taking 52 weeks' adoption leave.
Or, in the event I am only entitled to 26 weeks' adoption leave I will give at least 8 weeks' written notice of my return to work date.

I understand that should I wish to resign from my employment with the University during my Adoption Leave period, I must give the University written notice in accordance with my contract of employment.
If applicable: I understand that if I have received payment under the Enhanced University Adoption Pay Policy (other than Statutory Adoption Pay) it is subject to me returning to work for a minimum of three months following adoption leave.
I understand and agree, that if I fail to return to work or to continue in employment at the University of Nottingham for at least three months following my adoption leave, I will be required to make the necessary repayment to the University.

