Employee Leaver Form

To be completed by the line manager only

The employee leaver form is a detailed form which must be completed by line managers when an employee leaves their post (if the form has not been completed by a line manager it will not be accepted).

It allows us to collect the information required:

  • to ensure that leavers are paid correctly on termination of employment, and
  • to enable us to make high-quality returns to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in relation to leaver destination information

Please upload the employee's letter of resignation or notification of intention to retire, except where the employee is transferring to another University of Nottingham post or leaving by reason of redundancy at the expiry of a fixed-term contract.

For questions relating to completing the form for individual cases, please contact the HR Employment Support Services Team, email: hr@nottingham.ac.uk.

Employee Leaver Details

Employee Name*
Employee Payroll Number*
Employee School/Department*

Employee Leaving Date (please give last day of employment)*
Is the employee registered on the redeployment list?*
Home/Forwarding Address of the Leaving Employee*





Reason for leaving*

Upload a copy of the notice of retirement or resignation (if applicable)

Valid upload file types: .doc .docx .pdf
The file cannot be more than 10 MB in size
Project code to be charged for redundancy payments
In certain circumstances, individuals on fixed-term contracts with two or more years continuous service with the University are entitled to a redundancy payment
Is this payment to be shared with other Schools/Departments? If so, give details:
Costs will be apportioned to previous Schools/Departments based on service

Destination for HESA purposes

Applies to ALL staff, except O&F staff (please select ONE in each section).

Section A*

Section B*

Annual Leave

Arrangements should be made for outstanding annual leave to be taken prior to leaving.  Please take into account that any remaining balance for purchased annual leave will be made from the final salary payment.  If due to operational reasons this is not possible, please confirm the outstanding annual leave entitlement to be paid on termination. Alternatively, where annual leave in excess of the leave entitlement has been taken, please state the excess to be recovered from the final salary payment.

Calculators are available on the HR web pages at: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/hr/guidesandsupport/absenceandannualleave/annualleave/calculators.aspx.

Leave Outstanding (days or hours)
Give details if applicable
Excess Leave Taken (days or hours)
Give details if applicable

Fractional (Term-time) Contract Details

If fractional, please specify number of weeks (or hours if an irregular working pattern) worked to leaving date since the anniversary date of the fractional appointment:

Fractional (weeks/hours worked)
Give details if applicable

Additional Information (if applicable)

Line Manager Details

Email Address*
Contact Telephone Number*
Job Title*

Contact name and telephone number for any queries (if different to the line manager)
